Tuesday, 13 October 2015

197) https://ethnomusicologyandsoundstudies.wordpress.com (Faculty of Music and St. John’s College University of Oxford, blog about events in the Seminar in Ethnomusicology and Sound Studies)

Monday, 5 October 2015

193) http://abcmusicmuseum.blogspot.com.mt (Anna Cardona Borg, US and Malta, personal blog including information on Maltese music)

194) https://hpkoubaka.wordpress.com/ (Henri-Pierre Koubaka, Africa, a radio blog that explores arts and cultures from Africa and from the African Diaspora: music, cinema, literature, fashion etc.)

195) https://semstudentunion.wordpress.com/ (public blog maintained by the Student Union oft he Society for Ethnomusicology, US, of special interest for students, including information on „ethnomusicology and parenthood“)

196) http://kyraocity.wordpress.com (Kyra Gaunt, US, personal blog including information on digital media studies of music and marginalized black girls who twerk on YouTube and other social media)